ponedeljek, 24. marec 2014

Aeros Winter Race 2014 - conclusion

This years Aeros Winter Race started in kind of a turbulent way, when we had to change the primary decision due to logistic/political and other problems Aeros had to face just before the competition. Later on we had a great luck with the weather and everything sorted out at the end - which reminds me again that pilots belong to the sky - if they can fly, there is no problem at all - sportsmanship rules.
The Vipava valley again showed us that it has a mind and weather of it's own, that available weather forecasts for that small part of Slovenia are just barely valid.
It was great to see "old crows" like Oleg Bondarchuk, Robert Reisinger and others are still very competitive and can fly on the top level, graceful as ever.
We can only say: "See you all next year!"
Photo by: Polona Ježek

sobota, 22. marec 2014

Forecast comes true

After party last night we woke up in to the overcasted morning. Finally the forecast is kind of accurate. There will be no task today. The prize giving will happend at competition office, at the very hospital pizzerja Anja, at 10 am.
Here are some pictures from yesterdays party:

petek, 21. marec 2014

Tom wins the day 3!

The day 3 results are out. Tom Weissenberger outrunning everybody for 3 minutes, followed by slovenian Matjaz Klemencic and german Roland Wöhrle. In the overall standings Tom took the lead, Oleg and Seppi are following on second and third place.
Tomorrow still looks like rain right now so will see what happens...

Finnaly fairly long task!

The weather today showed a lot of SW wind. We came up with 112 km long task, but some pilots had some safety concerns due to strong wind. The safety commitee had decided to make the cylinder radius bigger to make sure pilots were on the save side. This delay turned out to be a big mistake, becouse wind got to strong on take off for everybody to launch - the winds died down in 30 minutes but a lot of pilots decided not to fly already, there was still plenty of time until the launch window closing.
The others enjoyed smooth flight on the 90 km long task, with Tom Weissenberger first in goal.
We will see what will happened tomorrow, right now it seems like rainy day.

Day 3

Today we go to the Kovk again. The forecast is for stronger WSW winds. At the evening we will have a dinner/party for pilots at Tourist farm Birsa starting at 8pm. The exact location is shown on their web site.

četrtek, 20. marec 2014

Results of day 2, Seppi wins the day

The today results are out. The winner, Seppi, wins the day racing around the course in 52 minutes. Overall results shows two leaders with exactly same points, Oleg and Seppi, are tied at 916 points.

Task 2, weather, weather

Yes, we did it again. We set the task all wrong again. Forecast showed stable conditions, no clouds on the sky - at least at the time of task setting - but the weather turned on as the task begun and our 54 km was way underestimated. Anyway we have a lot of pilots in goal and this is also nice to see.

Day 2 launch

The south-west weather type is slowly moving in - we are going to Kovk again today. Finnaly we have some good visibility, yesterdays haze is gone.

sreda, 19. marec 2014

Results of day 1 - Oleg wins the day!

So we have the results of the day 1 of Aeros Winter Race 2014. You can find them HERE. Congratulations to Oleg, the daily winner!

Nice weather - if you look at it...

Today, when we were setting the task, we could see some nice small cu clouds forming overhead... it looked really nice, so we set the 83 km long task. But, the weather proofed to be very difficult, we can even say shity. It seems that nobody flew over 30 km, most of the field landed somewhere between minimum distance and 20 km. Looking forward for better weather tomorrow.

So, KOVK it is!

According to the weather/wind development we decided to go to the Kovk take off today. There is already south-west wind on the top!

Launch location for day 1

The launch location will be published at 10am. We will wait a bit for weather development. All other scheduled actions (loading gliders, official transport departure) remains as published yesterday...

torek, 18. marec 2014


The schedule for tomorrow is:
- at 9am we will publish the information about launch location, at the same time we will continue the registration
- we will start loading gliders on official transport vans at 10 am
- the official transport leaves for the launch at 10:30
- at 12:30 we will have task briefing on launch

This is also schedule for all competition days, any change will be published here.

The registration is finished - for today

We just finished the registration session for tonight - we will accept some more pilots tomorrow morning, who where not able to arrive here tonight - we expect some 40 pilots in total. Not bad for the second set of dates...

Aeros Winter Race - we are ready for the registration

We are preparing all the stuff for registration which will start in few hours. There are a lot of pilots here already, a lot of them flying, enyoing nice soaring on westerly winds. The forcast for next days is favurable as well - so we can expect good competition!

nedelja, 16. marec 2014

Perfect forecast!

The forecast looks perfect! No changes in next days I hope! So the competition will start as scheduled with the registration on Tuesday (march 18), from 5 pm!

Looking forward to finnaly start the comp!

četrtek, 6. marec 2014

The Aeros Winter Race 2014 will start on march 18th!

There is a change about the race start time. Aeros asked to move the competition start on the SECOND set of dates, so the registration will start on Tuesday, march 18! The main reason is pre-worlds in Mexico and lack of time for some pilots who fly there, to come to Slovenia in realy shor time between the comps.

I apologise for the confusion on behalf of Aeros and the organisation team.


The decision was hard as usual - but it is accepted! We will start with the competition on the first set of dates, the registration will start on Tuesday, march 11!
Looking forward to see you all again!

ponedeljek, 3. marec 2014

Information about competition start

The information about the competition dates will be published on Thursday, march 6th. We are aiming on the first set of dates (11th - 16th march), but the weather has it's own mind - so let's wait...